String dalam C++
Theory coming soon!
Use your C++ Practice modules first :p
Case 1 :
make a program that check 2 words of input. if both words is same, then use “Both words is same” for the output. else , calculate the difference lenght between both words, and tells which word that has more characters.
Download Source code for case 1
Case 2:
make a program untuk which output the inputted data from user about book’s information using nested struct.
Note that you can do this simply by using cin and cout function only. But because we just learn nested struct, use that for this one. Sure there will be cases when you have to make a nested struct in a large scale programs. Just learn 🙂
so linggis -_- kasian yang ga lulus eprt sama ecct nyaa, masa kudu google translate :v
ini kan basa linggis blakblakan :v
kosa kata nya mudah dimengerti semua koq :p
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