Author: reynold

Kritik & Saran Geladi 0

Kritik & Saran Geladi

Selama pelaksanaan Geladi, saya memiliki saran baik untuk pihak Institusi maupun pihak PT. Tinker Games sebagai berikut : Untuk Institusi Sebaiknya disediakan tempat yang sesuai dengan keahlian serta jumlah peserta Geladi agar Geladi berjalan...


If it doesn’t challenge you…

If the code you would make does not challenge you, that does not change you. Challenge makes you better 🙂 Always face every problems you made in your codes. You made it, you can...


Codes for fun

If programmer codes just for fun, he has all his skill. If he codes for scores, his hands goes tremble and his breath is uneasy. If he codes for money, he becomes mad and...


String dalam C++

Theory coming soon! Use your C++ Practice modules first :p Case 1 : make a program that check 2 words of input. if both words is same, then use “Both words is same” for...


GameDev Job Role : Level Editor

What does a Level Editor do? The Level Editor defines and creates interactive architecture for a segment of a game, including the landscape, buildings and objects. They must be true to the overall design...